The Life and Legacy of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him)

 "The Life and Legacy of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him)"


Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him)also known as the Prophet Muhammad is considered the last and final prophet in Islam. He was born in the city of Mecca in 570 CE and passed away in 632 CE. He is considered one of the most influential figures in history and his teachings and actions continue to shape the world today. In this article we will delve into the life and legacy of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him).

Early Life

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was born into the Banu Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. His father Abdullah passed away before his birth and his mother Aminah, died when he was six years old. He was then raised by his grandfather and later by his uncle Abu Talib. Growing up he was known for his honesty integrity and kindness.

In his youth Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) worked as a merchant and was known for his fair dealing and trustworthiness. He also married Khadijah bint Khuwaylid a wealthy widow, at the age of 25 and they had several children together.

Call to Prophethood

At the age of 40 Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) received his first revelation from Allah through the angel Gabriel. These revelations continued for the next 23 years and they were later recorded in the holy book of Islam the Quran.

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) initially shared his message with close family and friends but as the message spread he faced opposition and persecution from the powerful leaders of Mecca. Despite this he continued to spread the message of Islam and gained a large following.

Hijra and Establishing an Islamic State

In 622 CE Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) and his followers migrated from Mecca to Medina in an event known as the Hijra. This migration marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar and the establishment of the first Islamic state.

In Medina Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) established a constitution that ensured the rights and protection of all citizens regardless of their religion. He also defeated several Meccan attempts to invade Medina and ultimately conquered Mecca in 630 CE.

Death and Legacy

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) passed away in 632 CE at the age of 62. He is buried in Medina in a mosque that bears his name the Prophets Mosque.

His teachings and actions have had a profound impact on the world, shaping the beliefs and practices of over 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. He is also considered a model of conduct and morality and his legacy continues to influence the world today.


Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was an influential figure in history whose teachings and actions continue to shape the world today. His message of peace and equality as well as his establishment of the first Islamic state has had a lasting impact on the world. He is revered by Muslims as the last and final prophet sent by Allah to guide humanity to the right path. May Peace be Upon him.

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